Sunday, January 29, 2017

How Acupuncture Can Improve Your Health

Acupuncture has been around for a long time. In fact, it is a holistic health technique that originated in ancient China over 2,500 years ago. The practice is still widely popular in today’s time and continues to evolve with different procedures and techniques. The whole process revolves around trained practitioners stimulating certain points of the body by inserting needles into the skin. This type of medicine has been used to treat a wide variety of illnesses, including pain and stress related problems. Some acupuncture sessions also include the use of herbal medicines, along with the needles.

This type of treatment has even spread to the United States and Western countries. In fact, a recent study showed that over 3 million people in the United States alone had tried some form of acupuncture. Any individual can receive various health benefits from undergoing this type of treatment, which you will learn about below.

Does Acupuncture Hurt And Is It Safe?

This first questions that most people ask before trying acupuncture in NYC is, does it hurt and just how safe is it? The needles are designed not to hurt when they are inserted into the body. The whole process is relatively pain free. In some cases acupuncture is even used to reduce chronic pain that is experienced throughout the body, when individuals are looking for a more natural method of treatment. This process could help avoid any unwanted side effects that over-the-counter or prescribed medications might cause.

The procedures are very safe as long as you are consulting with a well-trained professional that uses sterile needles. This is why it is imperative that you do the proper research before just choosing any therapist to perform the procedure. The FDA regulates acupuncture needles and regards them as a medical device, so they need to be sterile, nontoxic, and labeled for individual use.

Reduces Headaches And Migraines

If you experience constant headaches and migraines, you can greatly benefit from acupuncture treatment. A study conducted in 2009 at the University of Munich involving over 2,000 patients proved that acupuncture greatly reduced headaches and migraines. The test trail gave half of the patients a real acupuncture session, while the other half received a placebo type acupuncture session. The group that received the real treatment showed a great reduction in the severity of headaches and migraines.

Arthritis, Neck, Back, And Knee Pain

Even professional athletes are turning to acupuncture NYC as a way to deal with pain, resulting from old sports injuries. This treatment has been proven very effective, when it comes to dealing with chronic neck, back, and knee pains. In 2012, a huge test was conducted at the Sloan-Kettering Department of Epidemiology involving over 17,000 patients. Once again that trial was conducted in the same manner where some patients received the real treatment, while other received a placebo type treatment. The results showed that the patients that received the real treatment saw a great reduction in neck, back, knee, and arthritis pain.

Acupuncture has also been proven to help treat insomnia, improve cancer recovery, and prevent cognitive decline.

from New York Traditional Acupuncture

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Exploring The Physiological Effects Of Acupuncture Therapy


Millions of people visit a medical clinic on a daily basis for acupuncture therapy. Of course, there are millions more that could potentially benefit from these practices, but instead they rely on traditional medicine. Acupuncture utilizes thin needles, which are inserted into the body at different points. While the procedure takes about 30 to 45 minutes to complete, patients are extremely happy with the results. Below, you will discover more information about acupuncture upper east side of NYC.

Increases Peripheral Circulation

Individuals suffering from cardiovascular disorders most often have poor peripheral circulation. This condition is knows as peripheral artery disease (PAD), involving the lower extremity. The arteries in the legs will narrow, limiting the blood flow to the muscles in the lower extremely. At first, individuals may not exhibit any symptoms, so the condition can go unnoticed for months, if not years.

Acupuncture therapy could potentially increase the peripheral circulation. The physician will place the needles in specific points on the lower extremity. The therapy is said to stimulate the acupuncture points, which will release an abundance of energy. If the medical professional performs the technique accurately, patients very well may discover an improvement in their condition after several treatments.

Boosts Immunity

Individuals living with a compromised immune system are at high risk of infections and communicable diseases. While there is an abundance of foods, with a high content of antioxidants that will boost the immune system, some individuals needs something a little extra. According to research, acupuncture therapy has been utilized to boost immunity. Many Chinese medicine men refer to acupuncture as a means of letting out excess blood, by poking holes into the skin at pressure points along specific pathways.

The skin is the body’s biggest defense against illnesses, which is why the acupuncture therapy is so effective. The needle must be inserted into the skin at the appropriate depth to be effective. The depth is determined by the degree of disease penetration, which is difficult for common people to understand. However, the Chinese healers are very experienced on this therapy and know exactly how to apply each step of the process accurately.

Acupuncture Points

There are 350 acupuncture points located throughout the body, which are known as meridians. By penetrating the skin at these points, the physician will be able to determine the energy flows. According to Chinese proverbs, illness is a consequence of an imbalance of the forces. By inserting the needle into the appropriate point, the energy flow can be rejuvenated and balanced.

Today, Western practitioners continue to practice acupuncture upper east side NYC to stimulate the muscles, connective tissue and nerves. Instead of relying on addictive prescription pain medications, cancer patients are turning to acupuncture therapy. The technique increases the blood flow throughout the body, triggering the body’s natural painkillers. This is the safest form of pain control available, which is why it is the most preferred way to treat chronic pain.

Is Acupuncture Safe?

Many people are concerned about the safety of acupuncture, because the technique involves needles penetrating the skin. If the treatment is performed accurately, using the clean technique, there will be few side effects and work very effectively.

from New York Traditional Acupuncture

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